Saturday 9 June 2012

Albert Squares!

I have no idea where this traybake is called 'Albert Squares' and the only clue I can provide is that it is from an Australian recipe book. Even the internet this time has failed to turn up any explanations, so if anyone finds out, please let me know!

This traybake is really simple - 150g caster sugar, 1 tbspn golden syrup, 1 tspn vanilla extract and 125g butter beaten together, beat 2 eggs in, sift 110g of plain and self-raising flour and mix 125ml milk and 160g raisins in. Bake at 170 for 25 minutes. Mix 160g icing sugar and enough lemon juice to make a paste, spread over the hot traybake and sprinkle on 40g of desiccated coconut. Done!

The Husband said 'Not bad!'

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