Sunday 26 September 2010

Brambles Fairy Cakes!

As berries are still on sale, I decided to continue the fruity theme this weekend. These are blackberry fairy cakes and because my lovely boss always calls his Blackberry a bramble, I decided to call them brambles fairy cakes instead. :)

This is an interesting recipe where every ingredient is measured in a yogurt pot of 150g. This batch of 20 fairy cakes consists of a pot of yogurt, caster sugar, oil and 2 eggs beaten together before adding in 2 pots of self-raising flour, rind of 1/2 an orange rind and 250g of blackberries.

Icing is made out of the remaining orange rind, icing sugar and a tablespoon of orange juice. I think I added too much orange juice as my icing turned out quite runny but taste sweet enough. I decorated my fairy cakes with extra blackberries and some with a drizzle of melted dark chocolate.

I think they are quite yummy but will keep you posted on taste tomorrow!

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