Sunday 12 September 2010

Blackberry & Coconut Rectangles!

Still on the berry trail this weekend, blackberries were my next choice for baking.

This lovely crumble is made of 350g blackberries, dessicated coconut, brown sugar, self-raising flour, butter, eggs and oats. The topping is just a teacupful of the sponge base but as it was the third 'layer' and scattered at the end, it turned out quite crumbly unlike the moist sponge base. I also used large eggs rather than medium eggs which might have made the dough more moist than usual and the topping less crumbly and scatterable but the taste was still intact!

And yes, these were meant to be squares but due to the size of my baking tray, they ended up as rectangles! I brought a few over to the parents-in-law for dessert yesterday and my father-in-law described it as 'class', which as he is quite fond of fruit puddings, is quite a compliment.

The rest are going to the office tomorrow, so will keep you posted!

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