Saturday 4 September 2010

Anzac Biscuits!

After a busy day at work on Friday, I wanted to bake something comforting and familiar and hopefully not too unhealthy if I end up eating lots(!), so I went through my recipes and found this lovely oaty biscuity recipe.

What are Anzac biscuits?

According to Wikipedia, "Anzac biscuits have long been associated with the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC) established in World War I . It has been claimed the biscuits were sent by wives to soldiers abroad because the ingredients do not spoil easily and the biscuits kept well during naval transportation."

These biscuits are made of sugar, oats, golden syrup, coconut, butter, flour and bicarbonate of soda, which makes them spread nicely in the oven and has a lovely coconutty smell to them when done.

The Husband is a big fan and has been eating them from the tin when I am not looking! :)

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