Sunday 6 June 2010

Coca-Cola Cake!

I found this recipe online and thought it looked quite interesting using Coke as an ingredient. I know we have a couple of cans of Coke in the fridge and the Husband kindly produced another can from the highest cupboard in the kitchen. This is an interesting recipe consisting of a lot of sugar, almost a can of Coke, marshmallows, flour for the cake and icing sugar, more Coke and roasted and salted pecans for the topping.

I was slightly worried as the cake was bubbling away in the oven as it looked as though it was going to bubble-over and the marshmallows were floating merrily on the top. However, once out of the oven, the cake seemed to calm down and topped with the pecan icing glaze, smelled delicious.

However, the cake seemed to be really crumby and falling apart when I started slicing it up. I was surprised as I thought it should slice really well. Further investigation of the recipe revealed that the cake is meant to be really really moist and really soft and to be served from the baking pan, so it is hardly surprisingly that it does not slice well. I gave the first piece to the Husband and he pronounced 'it's ok'.

To make it easier to take the cake into the office, I have managed to put each mis-shaped piece into a muffin case so they will be more portable and removable rather than sticking to the tin.

Will post the outcome on taste in due course!

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