Monday 14 June 2010

Banana Cake with Cream Topping!

First, a confession. This was meant to be a sticky toffee banana cake but as you can see, it looks nothing like a toffee cake. My mistake was not having the right kind of toffee that was required to be mixed with the double cream and hence my filling/topping came out a lot more watery and not so toffeey. I was toying with the idea of making a cream cheese filling instead but after cooling the non-toffee filling in the fridge, it seemed to harden enough to be spread without running all over the cake. As you can see, the filling definitely spread out of the cake but luckily, not so much as to soak the cake and make it soggy. There is also a layer of sliced banana on top of the cream filling that turned out to be a nice surprise for my tasters.

The cake got a good review overall as it is quite moist and the filling/topping sits easily on the cake as a cream spread. Hopefully it will all be finished by tomorrow!

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