Saturday 14 August 2010

Rainbow Cookies!

Earlier this week I promised to bake something for a team at work who attempted to help me to figure out a complex excel problem. As they are new to my baking, I wanted to bake something easy to eat and hopefully tasty. I found this recipe online and thought it looked quite sweet. If it fails on taste, at least it should not fail on looks!

The cookies are made out of icing sugar, golden caster sugar, butter, flour, egg yolks and orange zest. The Husband has commented that the cookie tastes a bit dry but the icing is pretty good. I thought the dough looked a bit flaky after adding the flour so should probably add some milk or orange juice next time.The icing is made out of orange juice mixed into icing sugar so there is a tang to it.

Will keep you posted about feedback from other tasters!

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