Sunday 18 March 2012

Chocolate Almond Macaroons!

I have to confess I am not a fan of macaroons. However, the Husband is a big fan and it is his favourite baking since our holiday. So like any good wife who cannot cook, I decided to experiment with baking macaroons this weekend.

On our holiday, I bought two new baking books, one of which has lots of yummy macaroon recipes. I chose to make one type of macaroon that requires filling and another that just involving rolling the 'dough' into rounds, which you can read about in the next entry.

This chocolate almond macaroon is baked out of beaten egg whites, icing sugar, caster sugar, ground almonds and cocoa powder. The filling is chocolate melted with hot pouring cream. The main problem I have with making macaroons is the need to pipe perfect rounds on baking trays. I bought a macaroon silicone mould and it did help to make more even rounds but I still have to pipe it on. I have to confess I am rubbish at piping and besides getting the 'dough' all over the kitchen, I had to pipe the excess 'dough' freehand which was challenging.

I want to present the Husband with tasty macaroons when he gets back so the Office is the guinea pig tomorrow!

Comment from a taster, "Loved your chocolate filling in the other one."

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