Sunday 18 April 2010

Raisin & Cinnamon Biscuits!

The Husband came wandering into the kitchen this afternoon and asked, "Did you only bake a loaf today?" That was my cue that he wanted something to snack on. So I found a new, quick and simple biscuit recipe and set to work after dinner. It only took me about an hour to come up with a batch of 40 biscuits.

Not surprisingly, the Husband came wandering back to the kitchen as the scent of cinnamon filled the apartment. He picked up a biscuit and immediately pronounced that since it is a biscuit and not as substantial as a cookie, he can have more than one. The next time I knew, 7 biscuits have vanished in 5 minutes. I assume he quite likes them even though he said they were 'just ok'.

These biscuits have been rated 4.4 out of 5 and I suspect will take another day to finish.

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