Sunday 31 January 2010

Coco-Berry-Nut Squares!

A sponge cake with a pretty crumble topping! Original recipe called for raspberries and ground hazelnuts but I substituted them with blueberries, as they were on sale, and ground almonds. The crumble topping is made out of coconut, butter, sugar and flour and tastes delicious. Have to say sponge is not as tasty as the lemon soured cream cake but the crumble helps!

Update - After storing the cake overnight, the sponge became surprisingly tasty! This cake vanished in a day!

Lemon Soured Cream Cake!

Treat for the first week of February! This is a delicious sponge cake with a hint of lemon and dusted with icing sugar. It is a huge cake though and since I did not have a 27" round cake tin, I used a 30 by 20cm cake tin and just reduced the baking time by 10mins which worked out perfectly. Husband love it and has been 'stealing' lemon cake squares from the tin when I was not looking. Another success!

Update - Took 2 days to finish compared to the coco-berry-nut squares. I think people were more attracted to the blueberries!

Vanilla Raisin Cookies!

Treat in the middle of the week! Sometimes I worry I might be baking too much! :) These are really more-ish vanilla raisin cookies that vanished within a day! There is also a hint of coconut in the cookies, which makes it smell really yummy. Below is the picture of the cookies with icing on top. I almost gave up on the icing when it took ages to be spreadable but in the end, just added more water and got it working. Taste just as good with and without icing! I think the best part of baking is that the entire flat smells wonderful for some time.

Monday 25 January 2010

Chocolate & Orange Fudge Cake!

This is a dark chocolate and orange fudge cake topped with cream cheese topping, which helps to complement the texture of the cake. I had 20 squares, the husband ate 3, saved 1 for the boss and the rest was gone at the end of the day!

Was originally advised by recipe to only make the topping before serving but I did it beforehand and just stored everything in the fridge which does not seem to affect the taste.

Chocolate Vanilla Cookie Squares!

This is a really yummy cookie which consists of 3 layers - a chocolate shortbread base, a brownie layer and a top layer of chocolate glaze. The photo does not do it justice but the best way to tell how tasty a bake is is how many pieces the husband ends up eating and in this case, he had 3 pieces in a day!

Went down really well in the office and was finished in a day! I also got a request from a friend for her husband's baking day!

Update - My friend who baked these squares for her husband's baking day was happily informed that they were the fastest selling items of the day! Hooray!

Rum & Raisin Date Cake!

I wanted to make this cake to finish up some leftover dates but I did not have enough dates, so made it a date and raisin cake instead! It was meant to be a Brandied Date Cake but I substituted the brandy for rum instead, which works equally well.

This is a really moist, sticky cake which took 2 days to be eaten in the office.

Cherry Almond Cake!

Cherry Almond Cake - another treat for the office on a Monday morning!

This cake is made out of multi-coloured glace cherries, silvered almonds and lots of raisins, which makes the loaf cake looks surprisingly attractive! As I am not a big fan of almond, I chose to use vanilla extract rather than almond essense.

It was a really yummy cherry cake and there was only a slice left by the end of the day!

Fudgy Wudgy Cookies!

Fudgy Wudgy Cookies were the first treats of the new year for the office! I got the recipe from a new cookbook I was given for Christmas.

They were pretty easy to make and a great snack for chocolate and nut lovers as they are clock-full of chocolate chips and walnuts!

The success of each baked item is determined by how quickly they get eaten in the office - this took 2 days.

I could not decide if I should publish the recipes, so let me know if you would prefer to see them posted as well!