Sunday 14 April 2013

Mincemeat & Marzipan Loaf!

Last weekend, I found a bottle of mincemeat in the cupboard that has to be eaten by Nov. Mincemeat is typically used for baking during Christmas but I thought if I can find an interesting recipe, I might as well use it now.

This mincemeat and marzipan loafd recipe is in one of my favourite baking books. Marzipan is also normally included in Easter baking so it seemed like a good idea to try this recipe.

This lovely loaf is baked out of self-raising flour, butter, light muscovado sugar, marzipan, eggs and mincemeat. Flaked almonds are scattered on top before baking and then dusted with icing sugar after.

The Husband is not a fan of marzipan so he only tried one piece. However, I did get rave reviews from other tasters in the Office and one colleague ate 5 pieces! One other taster described it as 'the most delicious cake yet'!

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